General Practitioners

Marie Sulda
Past Life Regression

Louise Flaherty
Counsellor Adults & Teens
Couples counselling
Clinical supervision
Teen camps and workshops
Counsellor Adults &
Teen Specialist

Carly Astill
Counsellor Adults & Teen Specialist
Anneliis Way

Abi Catchlove

Anneliis Way
Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

Jo Scott
Social Worker & Counsellor
Specialising in Trauma, Chronic Health & Pain Counselling
Internal Family System Therapists

Simon Paul
IFS Therapist Level 3
IFIO couples Therapist
Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Certified IFS Therapist Level 2
IFIO couples Therapist Advanced
IFSI Approved Clinical Consultant
Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Clinical Supervisor PACFA & ACA
Currently not accepting new clients. For general counselling please book with Marie Sulda, Abi Catchlove or Jo Scott.
Rebecca Paul
Meditation Mentoring

Sam Healy
Be & Co Meditation

A place where men can go to get professional, down to earth
expertise for their mental health and wellbeing.
Simon Paul
Counsellor & Psychotherapist

More than ever TEENS need space to navigate issues impacting their mental health, with someone with expertise

'Every woman deserves the space to express herself, hear her own voice, contemplate life's deeper questions, cry, reflect, ponder, learn, laugh, laugh some more, dig deep, say fuck it, get angry, plan, ponder, reflect, ask, go within, share her self and have someone witness her pain, her striving, her challenges, her loving, her pain, her grief, her loss, her desires, her hope, her loss, her heart, her beauty, her wishes and her flourishing.
Creating this space for women is my greatest joy, my calling and my offering to you.'
Rebecca Paul
Amber Robertson